Saturday, March 21, 2009

Same Sh** Different Day...

Damn I am tired of getting ticked off at the wife. Got up this morning and cooked breakfast for me and the wife. Made her coffee & we watched TV while we ate. Worked around the house in the yard this afternoon for several hours, got showers and dressed and went to the fair tonight. Checked that out for a couple hours , headed to Dunkin Doughnuts and got her a Vanilla Latte, went to Wally World to pick up a few things and on the way home I start hearing the tell tale signs that this isn't going to be a good night, I'm tired, it's late, etc;. Our daughter was at a friends house all day & I tried a few times to iniante a little playtime to no avail.

Sarcastically I told her as she was going to bed that "I'm glad we're on the same page", when she asked what I meant I said that I sure as hell had different plans for tonight than she did. The response of we can do something tomorrow, did very little to make me feel any better. So here it is 2 AM, I'm still wide awake and wondering why the hell I try to put any effort into something that is obviously broken.

Well guess I better hurry up and get to bed, tomorrow will be here before I know


  1. Things don't change overnight (trust me I know), but don't be discouraged and never give up :)

  2. Hi Mike,

    Hope all is well! Thank you for reading my post, I know it was allot to read, but I just couldn't bring myself to write about anything else. Our world today is just so crazy, and with all the personal things that goes on in life's relationship's,suddenly mine didn't seem so important.

    You take care and keep sharing your life with us, your follower's want to know that your're ok. Meagan

  3. Don't give up Mike, hang in there with your wife, get a good reader and find how to put the sparks back in your marriage. Go all the way back to when you first met each other. What made you fall in love with her and then marry her? Do something fun like a replay of a first or second date and see where things go? And last but not least, tryn'do it early so she doesn't get tired and hit that reclyner.

