Thursday, October 29, 2009

Letter to My Darling

I wrote the following for my special someone. Although we have not been as close as we were a year ago I still want to be with her so badly. I asked if she would like me to write her a letter and she said yes. After she read it she told me how much she liked it and even thought I had took some of it from a book. I will always care for her even if we never get together...... So tell me Ladies why would someone want to get a letter like this if they didn't have feelings for someone? I have written her several in the past and she said she has them all? Fill me in. What is the deal?

I hope when this letter finds you that you are having a great day! It has been along time since I have written....To Long.... even though I have not put my thoughts onto paper in quite awhile; thoughts of you are always on my mind. Whether it is a long weekend or just overnight I think about you often. I am forever hoping that things go well for you & that you are happy in life. You have had so much happening in the last few months and so many times I have wished that I was able to take away all your troubles. I felt so bad when your puppy was lost, seeing you hurting and knowing the hurt you were feeling for your daughter’s loss broke my heart. I wished everyday to be able to comfort you and take away your pain. The sad thing is that the things that make you the wonderful person are the same things that cause you so much pain when something goes wrong. You are a very caring person & have an extremely big heart. There are so many little things that make you the unique person that you are. I love to see your dimples when you smile, your attitude change when you are playful and even the way you talk a little louder when you are trying to get your point across.

One reason I wanted to write was to be able to say things that I find hard to say in person. I care about you a lot and love to see you when you are happy.I wish that I could openly tell everyone how special you are. I would love to spend time with you and not have to look over my shoulder to see who is watching. I dream of being able to take you places you have never saw and to see your amazement when you see something that is new and exciting. I’d like to be there to congratulate you on your accomplishments and to be a steadfast support in a time of need. I could endlessly tell you how wonderful you are and be sincere with every word. I could tell you how great I feel when I have your attention or to tell you how I am mesmerized by your beauty. Whether these things mean anything to you, I don’t know. There are so many things I would like to say, but I find myself holding back. I find it hard to tell you the doubts I have about myself, or how I wonder what would make me a better person. I would love to be able to share my inner most dreams, fears and desires with you, but I am always scared to venture that far. I don’t want to impose or burden you. I want to be special in your eyes. I guess in a way me writing these things down is in a way me being selfish, by asking you to hear my thoughts & desires even though they may not be yours.

A long time ago I told you that you would always have a place in my heart. This I know is true........


  1. As a women to get a letter like this, or even to know that someone feels this passionate about me, is a huge rush! Every women wants to be desired even from a far. It’s this assurance of knowing that in our current relationships, if it doesn’t work out, we’ve always got a backup plan. Perfect example (kinda-weird) but remember Jenny, in Forest Gump. Remember how Forest, loved her no matter what, no matter how much time had passed, no matter what was going on in her life, welcoming her always with open arms? Jenny, knew this, always kept Forest in heart/ mind, returning no matter what… finally giving in to him. It’s kinda like that Mike! We women are Jenny’s, we want our cake and definitely plan on eating it too!

    One day I want your post to read that you and this women you love/desire from a far, finally get your opportunity to physically show her just how much love you have inside. Her Knight in shining Armor, the prince on a horse to ride away in your perfect paradise.

    Best Wishes,

  2. I read your comment early this morning and have ran it through my mind several times! I think you are exactly right on the money. Never, ever, did I think I would compare myself to Forrest Gump, but I sure feel like I need a "Box of Chocolates" about now. Every time I step away & distance myself from this person, she will make a few comments, tell me how nice I look or something to that effect and draw me right back in. Thank you for your comment and the insight it has given me!
