Saturday, April 4, 2009

Time Marches on....

Well it's Saturday again, I haven't been putting much effort into writing. I felt as if I was
re-hashing the same old things over and over again. To be honest I don't have alot to talk about now, but I am bored and ticked off once again with the wife so I am just killing time. I don't feel the passion I had when I started blogging, Maybe writing everything down helped get it out of my system. Spent a good part of the afternoon at the dentist office yesterday and took the wife to a gospel sing for a couple of hours last night. Then we worked around the house most of the day today. Watched the movie "7 Pounds" tonight (I thought it was really good). Rosario Dawson is so beautiful and reminds me alot of the woman I want to be with. If you read about her at wikapedia she had a really rough start in life, but has done very well for herself!

Things aren't progressing any farther with the woman I was talking with & I have been making a strong effort to just let it go. I still see her everyday during the week at work and it sure is hard to want to be with someone so badly, but to keep telling yourself it isn't going to happen & that it's probably for the best. If everything in life worked out the way we wanted it to, there would be no pleasure in occasionally getting what you desire.

My nephew has his 5th birthday party tomorrow so I will be going to visit with him. I teased him a few weeks ago and told him I had bought him some Barbie dolls & he flat out told me to not bring them. He didn't want any part of a

I hope everyone has a good weekend. I am ready to just take a week off and go somewhere, anywhere, but preferably somewhere I have never been before. I ideally would like to go by myself, because going with the wife would invariably wind up in some sort of argument and void the purpose of getting away.

Take care,


  1. Hi Mike nice to see your post!
    You do that...remember you, and take some much needed time for Mike!

    Ps..Leave barbie dolls behind good!

    Take Care,

  2. He had a good time at his Birthday Party today. I asked him if he was glad I left the Barbies at home and he

  3. Mike, why don't you plan to take a week off completely by yourself. Just open the atlas and decide where you'd like to go. If there are too many choices, write them down on pieces of paper an draw one. That's where you'll go. It could definitely make her take notice that you're going to enjoy your life with or without her. I would do it! I know you have lots of time built up and are a workaholic, so you probably haven't taken much time. SO GO!
