Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Maybe I am Psychic

Life is scary sometimes and the mind can do mysterious things. Right after posting my last blog titled "A little Jealous" I had an experience that made it true. I went out to tell my "lil someone" good bye for the day and we were talking about a work related issue. I was explaining something to her and another employee when "the new girl"( who is a very cute mexican girl) walked by heading into the office. It's unusual for a production worker to go in the office so I glanced to see who is was. That apparently was the wrong thing to do. The girl I am crazy about said "concentrate sweetheart" and stomped off. Even though I was completely innocent it did feel good to see her blood boil a little. She is a mexican also and has the temper to back it up...lol. I stopped her on the way out and told her that I didn't appreciate that, because there was nothing intended. I told her I hoped she felt better (because she was sick) and she said "she would be fine" very short and to the point. I responded "I know you will" also short and to the point...lol and walked off. So if nothing else I did get the satisfaction of knowing what it feels like for someone to be "A little jealous" of me........

1 comment:

  1. We women are so complicated sometimes! No wonder you guys go a little nuts trying to figure us out? You remember the Charlie Brown cartoons, and what the kids heard when the teachers spoke! Whamp, whamp,whamp!

