Thursday, November 5, 2009

I am glad to read some positive posts.....

I have read several posts lately and I am glad that everything is not always negative. One thing that strikes me odd on several of the posts is that people are having the most fun when you are either with someone strange or by yourself. Not many of us post fun things that we do with our significant others. Is that because we don't do that many fun things with our significant others? or do we take them for granted and they don't come to the fore front of our minds?

After reading the responses to the letter I posted the other day I have done a 180 and have been avoiding the person I was referring to. This I guess is the most logical thing to do, but at the same time it has taken away one of the things that I really looked forward to, my fun thing. It feels good to be complimented by someone young and beautiful. Beats the hell out of arguing with the wife! Another positive thing I received from talking with her was the conversation. Sharing things that are going on with me and hearing about the things she is dealing with, that was really nice. There are alot of days I may speak 10 words or less with my wife. I catch myself hanging around work later and later just to avoid coming home. Even though I may be in my office away from the action I can always walk out and talk with someone. When I finally decide to leave may call my brother or parents just to chat on the 50 min ride home. I will call home and ask if anything is needed, but the conversations are short and uncaring, just like the offer I had to have sex with the wife tonight (which I turned down). Just a tip for the ladies.... don't tell the hubby to go ahead and get a shower so you can go have sex soon, because your tired and want to go to sleep. I guess that I should be happy she made the offer, hell it's only been close to 2 weeks.

Sorry if I have been negative for like.....forever. I am really not that type of person. Although I have allowed myself to dwell on the negative way to much lately. I like to laugh and joke. I am first in line to crack a joke and always have a quick comeback for a friendly verbal jab. I like doing fun things and I have a ton of energy to expend. It's not uncommon for me to stay up 17-20 hours on Friday & Saturday. I'm a night owl by nature, the later it gets the more alert I become. I can talk to almost anyone and have a great conversation, but no matter who I am talking with I can't (or won't) tell them the thoughts I am really having. There is one lady who lives a couple of hours from me who knows the things I have been going through and I even met her once to talk at lunch, but other than her and the folks here at blogspot thats it. Well tomorrows the day after Thursday so I better get to bed and Friday will finally be here! Thanks for listening.


  1. "not many of us post fun things that we do with our significant other" At least I can tell you why i don't... and it's a terrible bias I know. It's because I post about the things that bother me, make me think and react. Which is also why a lot of my posts are dark, even though I am not that dark (maybe a little like you?). I don't think i take the good times with my husband for granted, but I just don't feel like analyzing them or writing about them, because they feel so natural... however, this is my second marriage ;)

    I am sorry there is a morosity between your wife and you. It can sometimes be turned around but it for sure requires motivation and a lot of work from both sides... With my first husband we tried I think as much as we could, then called it quits. Other couples make it through.

  2. Hey Big Mike, because you are one of my favorite blogger buddies I have two quotes for you because your such a good dude in my eyes, I always wish you the best. Hope you enjoy them both...Sincerely Meagan

    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
    ~ Mark Twain
    You have to leave the city of your comfort and go into the wilderness of your intuition. What you'll discover will be wonderful. What you'll discover is yourself. ~Alan Alda

  3. Thanks for the comments Ladies! As always you have dispensed some great words of wisdom and Advice. I look forward to reading your posts!
