Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year Everyone!

Well another year has passed and this one seems to have passed by rather quickly. I made up my mind last weekend to wise up, move on and quit letting my mind fuck with me about the beautiful young woman I have been talking to. I have done really well this week not talking to her other than the necessities of work. I plan to continue into the new year and move on with my life. Things with my wife continue to deteriorate and I don't expect it to last much longer. We hardly talk and we each do our on thing when we have free time.

I hope EVERYONE has a great New Year and that all your dreams and wishes can come true............

1 comment:

  1. Big Mike Happy New Year to you!
    May all that you aspire to your goal and focus of 2010. I honestly wish the best for you. Peace of mind, lots of laughter and security from within! Don't be afraid to step outside your restricted lines! I am most certain happiness is there waiting for you.

